

How can I want to make a change so badly, but not motivate myself to make the change?  You may need more motivation, but motivation is not something you either have or you don’t. 

Sometimes a lack of motivation is a sign of depression and is accompanied by change in appetite or sleep patterns, lack of energy, depressed mood, irritability, and not being able to enjoy anything. By identifying and addressing your depression you can start doing those things you’ve put off. 

Sometimes feeling unmotivated is caused by other factors such as feeling overwhelmed, fear, anxiety, or prioritizing other things. We are most motivated to do the things that have an immediate positive or negative reaction. If you don’t put gas in your car, you will end up stranded by the side of the road, so it’s easier to motivate to do that than something with a less immediate consequence like work on a resume,  look for a new job, or reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with. 

Using motivational skills in therapy we can look at what is making you want to change, what is the specific change you want to make, and what steps you can take TODAY to start making that happen.